Year End Checkup

In my world I have a lot of check ups. Someone is always wanting to poke and prod. With my psychology background, I like to do check ups of my own. I'm not great with new year's resolutions, but I do like to make goals. At the end of the year, I check in on those goals to see what I did or didn't do.

For instance, two years ago I said I wanted to learn to make sushi. At the end of the year, I still wasn't very good at it, but I make a mean pot of sushi rice. I never figured out the sauces, and most importantly I never found seaweed that tastes like the ones at the restaurant. Mine tasted fresh from the sea, bleck!

Last year, as discussed in other posts, I wanted to to become more fearless in my writing. I really feel like I did that. I jumped into a short story submission even though I didn't write in that genre. I published five books this year, way ahead of schedule. I wrote and published one of those in a mere season's worth of time. F0r someone like me who enjoys agonizing over every word, that's unheard of.

I've seen the pay off from it as well. I'm in Grimm, Grit & Gasoline with my first ever traditionally published piece. Not only that, but my publisher nominated me for a Pushcart Award. Color me shocked. They've asked me to submit another short story for consideration in January. Obviously, it's not a shoo in, but I'm excited. This time I'll be trying my hand at steampunk.

There's been a great reception for my sweet romance books. I'm glad to share the other half of my personality that's not so serious. I've made good friends in other writers and especially in my readers. It's been quite the year.

What's next year? I'll save my book plans for another post. Suffice it to say, I'm going to plug ahead at this new pace of multiple books in a year. More importantly, I wanted to share my new goal word for next year.


I'm determined to learn more about the world of publishing and what it takes to make it in this business. I've got a little confidence in my writing, and now it's time to figure out how to get a few more people to see it.

What are your plans for the coming year? Try to be more fearless. Try to believe in yourself. Try learning something new, or taking on a new challenge. You're capable. You're special. You've got this.